Sunday, February 20, 2005

[Puters] News Feeds Part 2 - Getting it on Yahoo

What happens if you're using a browser that doesn't support RSS feeds like MSIE? Short of downloading a feed reader and creating more clutter on your desktop, I suggest you sign up for a free account on Yahoo or MSN if you don't already have one. It's not bad too considering that they give you a few hundreds of MB of space for your e-mail. I'll illustrate how this is done with Yahoo:

Getting Live News Feeds on Yahoo!:

Step (1) - Go to and sign up for an account if you don't already have one.

Step (2) - Once you've signed up, armed with your user identity and password, go back to and sign in.

Step (3) - Come to and click on this button (go to the right column of the page and scroll down).

Step (4) - It will bring you to a page that looks something like this

Step (5) - Click on "Add"

Step (6) - Then "Back to previous page"

Step (7) - This will bring you back to the main "My Yahoo!" page. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and you should see this

Essentially, it shows you what the title of the latest blog/article is and even when it was last updated. You can tweak around with the "edit" buttons or the "Change layout" button on your My Yahoo! page. I may create another tutorial on that another day if there's demand and if I'm able to find the time.

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